Authentication in Progress



Election ID Solutions

4Gid offers Electronic Identity Management Solutions that comprehensively integrate Voting Process with Biometric and ICT Technologies to manage and support the entire electoral life cycle. The solution is designed to ensure a credible and transparent electoral process by preventing unregistered and fake voters from voting and eligible ones voting more than once.


  • Eligible elector’s multi biometric enrollment at Registration centers
  • Centralized multi modal de-duplication to ensure one voter ID for one voter
  • Issuance of Election ID Cards to voters
  • Authentication of voters and poll officials at the polling booths
  • Secure electronic voting and hard copy printout for auditing
  • Voting machine enabled with GPRS for continuous monitoring
  • Authentication of poll officials at point-of-counting
  • PKI encrypted data communication to secure Biometric Data Transfer

National ID Solutions

Governments across the globe provide different identity cards for several different purposes like National Population Register, Voting, Healthcare, Taxation, Social Security, Driving License, etc. The Identity Management Solutions and systems that provide these different identity cards are designed to the identity needs of individual government departments. Most of the times these individual Identity databases are in isolated silos, do not talk to each other and have inherent inconsistencies with respect to the data of the citizens. These individual Identity Systems have become ineffective and inefficient and are too complex and cumbersome to manage and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) has also increased tremendously.

4Gid’s National ID Solution provides integrated Identity Management System to Governments for delivery and maintenance of centralized national identity database and multipurpose ID cards to its citizens. The system incorporates biometric technologies for the Governments for positive identification of its citizens and to provide various services to its citizens in a secure and foolproof manner. Integration of accurate identification brings on the benefits of national security, improved service delivery and significant savings to the governments. The solution also integrates Match-on-Card Biometric Technology that has proven to be a secure, highly convenient and cost-effective way of verifying identity offline also.


  • Multi-biometric enrollment of citizens
  • PKI encrypted data communication to secure biometric data transfer
  • Multimodal biometric De-duplication and provision of Unique Identity(UID)
  • Seeding of UID into different Government ID databases
  • Integration of different government databases to remove inconsistencies
  • Creation of a single trusted and secure database of Citizens
  • Providing multipurpose National ID credentials
  • Authentication solution for delivery of services

Welfare & Entitlement

4Gid integrates Biometric Identification Systems and ICT technologies to establish Unique Identity (UID) for efficient and effective delivery of entitlement and welfare programs like Social Security Pensions, National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), Housing, Child welfare, Women Welfare, Cash Transfer etc. The solution can assist in eliminating fraud in the welfare systems.


  • Biometric Enrollment of eligible recipients
  • Provides biometric based Unique Identity (UID) to each and every recipient after eliminating duplicate and fake identities.
  • Incorporation of UID into the databases of the government departments providing the benefits
  • Issuance of ID cards for the identified eligible recipients
  • Authentication while accessing the entitlements and benefits.

Public Distribution System (PDS)

Governments worldwide invest a lot on different welfare schemes for the deprived sections of the society. Public Distribution System (PDS) is one such effective welfare scheme aimed at reducing poverty through the mechanism of delivering food grains at affordable prices to poor households. One of the main problems in PDS has been the inefficiency in targeting of beneficiaries and has resulted in large leakage of subsidiaries.

4Gid PDS solution adopts an integrated approach which aims at streamlining the existing PDS solution by eliminating the duplicate and shadow ration cards from the system. 4Gid has successfully implemented a CORE PDS project that earned a global attention and has core expertise in implementation of end to end PDS life cycle. The 4Gid’s readily available PDS framework can be customized as per the needs of the clients


  • Data Digitization of beneficiary database
  • Linking of the resident data to BPL household survey database
  • Enrollment of the multi modal biometrics of the beneficiaries
  • De-duplication to create one ID – One beneficiary
  • Credentialisation solution: Issue of personalized cards
  • Biometric enabled Point of Sale (PoS) device for positive identification of beneficiaries
  • Roaming ration card system
  • Integrated Inventory Management System
  • Centralized Management Information System
  • Work flow based solution for Issuance, deletion, migration & splitting of ration cards.

Public Service Delivery Infrastructure

It is essential for growing economies to improve the delivery of core public services like healthcare, education, food security, etc., for the growth to be inclusive. In an effort to promote efficient and effective public service delivery 4Gid has significantly invested in development of Public Service Delivery Infrastructure Solution that will help the governments to manage and monitor the welfare schemes and services through a single window.

This solution is built by creating biometric based unique IDs for all beneficiaries, linking of their biometric ID to their socio economic profiles, integration of different government departmental databases and developing a common service delivery framework coupled with work flow automation and application integration. This solution will revolutionize the manner in which the services are provided by governments to their citizens.


  • Resident demographic data digitization
  • Creation of biometric based Unique ID for residents
  • Seeding of Unique ID in government departmental databases
  • Integration of all the government department databases
  • Creation of centralized trusted database of residents
  • Enable collaboration and sharing of information among departments
  • Online / Offline Authentication solution for delivery of services
  • Management Information System for monitoring of services
  • Simulated application for design of new services
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4Gid is a Pioneer & Global leader in providing large scale identity management solutions leveraging smart cards and biometric technologies.
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by preventing leakages in the delivery of government welfare services programmes worldwide
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